National Housing Trust Jamaica
Jamaica's Number One Home Loan Agency

If you are interested in buying a house, you should first visit the National Housing Trust Jamaica.

Did you know that loans from this government-owned agency are also available to Non-Jamaicans?

I was both shocked and excited to know that anyone in the world can have access to loans from this agency to purchase a dream home in the beautiful island of Jamaica.

On this page we will discuss a few key points about this agency.

  1. Jamaicans living in Jamaica
  2. Jamaicans living outside of Jamaica
  3. Non Jamaicans living in Jamaica
  4. Non Jamaicans Living Outside of Jamaica

Jamaicans Living In Jamaica

To all my fellow Jamaicans living and working in Jamaica, you must contribute a minimum of 52 weekly contributions before you are eligible for a loan.

It is also important to know that of the 52 weekly contributions at least 13 of those payments must have been made in the last 26 weeks leading up to the application of the loan.

Jamaicans Living Outside Of Jamaica

If you were already making payments to N.H.T. before you migrated from Jamaica, the same condition applies for you as for Jamaicans living and employed in Jamaica.

For those Jamaicans who are living overseas, and you have never made a payment then you must make at least two (2) years or 104 weekly payments before applying for a loan. The contributions can be made monthly as well.

Non- Jamaicans Living In Jamaica

For those persons that are not Jamaican, and you live and work in Jamaica you will also have access to a loan from this agency.

To qualify for a loan, you must contribute for at least two-years of contribution before making an application for any loan.

You will qualify for all the loans and benefits offered at this agency. Your dream of owning your own home in the country in which you reside and work can now be a reality.

Non- Jamaicans living Outside of Jamaica

How many countries in the world you know that offer a loan to purchase a house by simply making a two-year contribution?

Not many.

Luckily, for you, the same criteria will apply for you as for non- Jamaicans residing in Jamaica. You will receive full benefits of all the different types of loans to buy, build or repair a house.

You can allow someone who lives in Jamaica to make payments on your behalf, or you can mail the contributions to the N.H.T. head office.

For more information, please contact a customer service representative. You can also visit the official website.
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