The Jamaica Star Newspaper
For The Community and The People

Jamaica Star Newspaper

The Jamaica Star Newspaper is a very popular publication on the island, especially among working-class people.

The first Star newspaper was published over fifty years ago (1951) and has grown more popular over the years, especially among the younger generation.

I like to refer to the Jamaica Star as the “community’s newspaper" because it is more geared towards community news.

Information that you will find in The Star, you won’t find in the other major Jamaican newspapers.

If you want community news, then this is the magazine for you.

On this page, you will know:

  • Why The Star Is So well-liked?
  • Key Features In The Daily Jamaica Star
  • Best Day To Buy The Star

Why Is The Jamaica Star So Popular?

The Jamaica Star Newspaper

No other newspaper in Jamaica has “catchier” headlines than The Star. You will often hear the street vendors calling out the headline of the Star which is bond to capture your attention.

When you hear or read the headline, you feel that it is true, but you are not sure so you buy one to find out. When you read this paper, you are guaranteed that you will be well entertained.

The Star is also admired for the daily features that are included. One such feature is the “Dear pastor” section.

In this section, you will find people asking questions and the pastor answering accordingly. Sometimes you will find an answer that you like while other times you will find answers that you don’t.

Daily Jamaica Star

You can purchase The Star for J$40 or US$0.50 on weekdays and US$0.65 for the weekend star.

You can find the Jamaica Star almost everywhere. This newspaper is most commonly sold on the roadside where you will hear vendors screaming, “Star, Star,” come buy your Star today.”

Star headlines always catch the attention of people passing by whether you are engaged in a conversation or not.

Jamaica Star Online

For those online users, you can also access the Jamaica star newspaper on the internet at What I do now is check online first before I buy the hard copy newspaper.

The major drawback to reading The Star online is that there is limited access to all the information at once, and if you check the website in the morning chances are that, that day’s publication has not yet been uploaded on the website.

Popular Sections In The Star

Star Feature

Besides the regular news reports, here are a few special features that you can look forward to when you purchase this newspaper.

Discussion Forum- we talk about everything Jamaican such as the latest news, sports, entertainment and gossip.

Sports- All the latest sports around the world, including local sports such as soccer, basketball, cricket and track and field.

Star Hottie Hottie- This is a picture of a girl partying or just walking anywhere in Jamaica. The only qualification is that she must be “hot.” If you are lucky, you may find yourself being The Star “Hottie Hottie” for the week.

Star Poster Girl- Most young people, 99% young men, when they buy a star, they go straight to this section. I was guilty of going to this section first. Now I go there after reading the headlines.

Mix-up and Blenda- Is hosted by a popular Jamaican radio talk show legend, Ragashanti. In this section, readers send in their stories about relationship problems, and Ragashanti gives his advice. This is similar to “tell me pastor” but with more adult content.

Talk Di Things- Is a new feature and is monitored by media personality Miss Kitty. Miss Kitty is a multi talented fluffy (not fat) woman who is not afraid to speak her mind whether political or social.

The”Star Text Maini”- Here you can send birthday wishes and congratulations as well as information on finding a lost one or a loved one in Jamaica or around the world.

StarBiz is the entertainment segment of the Daily Star and includes the popular “entertainment diary “that informs you of all the latest parties and other social events all around the island.

In addition to these features, you will find daily horoscope, puzzles and classified advertisements.

When Is The Best Day To Buy The Jamaica Star Newspaper?

The Weekend Jamaica Star

The most popular day to buy the Jamaica Star newspaper is on a Friday. The Friday Star is also called “The Weekend Star.”

The Weekend Star has a lot of information and features. Ever Friday there is a special “Entertainment” section that profiles our culture more specifically our music, festivals, events and artistes.

On Fridays, this newspaper is loaded with information and so the size of this publication is actually twice the size of The Daily Star.

The Weekend Star is only available on Fridays, but you will find enough information to keep you entertained for the entire weekend.

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